Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ho, Ho, Hectic!

It's Wednesday and that means only 1 1/2 days of school after this until Christmas break! I'm so ready for the break and time with my family. John put up the icicle lights this weekend. After two days of switching cords and rearranging strings that weren't working, they are finally working and they are beautiful! We're all proud of the way our house looks this season.

It's been hectic with school band and orchestra concerts (although I love seeing the girls play), piano students, work, church, preparing for Christmas, shopping and getting gifts ready for extended family/co-workers/students, etc. Most days I start at 5:30 a.m. and don't stop doing things until I go to bed. Things have been a little stressful at church, too, as there are some issues of division and negativity that we are trying to deal with.

Yesterday I was about to melt-down. John was at a meeting. I was being pretty irritable with the girls. I needed to make some cookies to bring to work today (it was my group's turn to provide goodies). Kristine offered to help me. I told her I was feeling stressed and apologized for being so grumpy. She said, "The best thing for you to do is pray, Mom." Then she told me, "Everyone has grumpy days, Mom, it's okay." I hugged her and kissed her. God blessed me through her loving words. She is something else! Then while we rolled cookie rough with our hands and squished Hershey kisses into the warm cookie balls, we made silly jokes and laughed. It was wonderful. I've been reading "The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe" to her at bedtime, a chapter a night and that's been really fun, too.

Each time I start to have a pity party for feeling stressed, behind on my to-do list, or short on money to cover obligations, God reminds me how blessed I am! Then I humbly return to His lap and ask His forgiveness. It's true. If I started counting all the blessings in my life, I could go on and on. Even though things are "tight", we have such a nice home - a palace compared to most in the world. We have food every day to eat and our vehicles, though in need of some attention, are running and really nice compared to lots I see around town that are about to fall apart! I have such an amazingly loving family and parents that gave me a legacy of love and knowing Jesus. I have my health, which is an especially bittersweet reminder when I think of my friend's niece who recently died of breast cancer (she was my age) and another friend of mine in Las Cruces is going through chemotherapy for it.

With all the debates over saying "Merry Christmas" and trying to figure out what my role is in those issues, the thing that's been ringing in my heart is that Jesus did come and He lives in us and we need to share that love with everyone, believer or not. I'm full of that love right now. Thank you, Lord!

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